Amazing Art Trails from around the World.

Wetlands in autumn, Teal Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 26, 2023, 3:33 PM.

Red trees, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 25, 2023, 5:22 PM.

May 30, 1983: I had a mere 7-mile walk today to the establishment where I intended to stay: Nolichucky Expeditions, a whitewater rafting outfit in Erwin which allows hikers to camp in their field and use their hot showers for two dollars per night. When I got there, I just needed to pitch my tent, soak in that shower, and head into town.

Autumn river walk, Mill River, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 25, 2023, 12:14 PM.

Little Painted Desert near Winslow, Arizona. April 1984. A colorful labyrinth of eroded rock formations and box canyons.

Schne srunde durch BS gemacht heute Morgen.
Immer noch bisschen verrotzt, daher sehr gemtlich unterwegs.

So kann ich Herbst gut leiden.

Purple coneflowers along .

I translated the Kuro no II Official Visual Collection interview with president Toshihiro Kondo.

Special thanks to my friend for proofing and fact-checking!

Ein bisschen guter Wille, und - das , auch im , knnte so einfach sein.

Diese Beschriftung habe ich heute ganz neu auf einem der wenigen von mir genutzten geteerten Wege (kombinierter ) gesehen.

Dem ist eigentlich nichts hinzuzufgen.

Mad Mare and Gaylord Mountains through the pines from the Giant's Left Knee, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 25, 2023, 2:32 PM.

June 26, 1983: From Blackhorse Gap, where I first reached the crest of the Blue Ridge yesterday, the Appalachian Trail parallels the Blue Ridge Parkway and its extension, Skyline Drive, for the next 220 miles, all the way up to and through Shenandoah National Park.

Indian summer cliff walk, Right Knee, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 25, 2023, 3:23 PM. T-shirt and shorts weather a week from November.

July 4, 1983: The first half-mile from the hut this morning climbed along the crest of the ridge forming the western rim of the ravine. This led to an interesting summit called Blackrock. It rose above the wooded ridge crest, a huge, barren mound of gray boulders smeared liberally with streaks of green paint.

I took these shots on yesterdays tour on in our nearby forest in , . It was a sunny, fresh, yet still warm . Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy hiking on these beautiful trails.

Autumn reflections, Beaver Pond, Whittemore Wildlife Sanctuary, Morris, Connecticut. October 26, 2023, 3:58 PM.

Ripples, Mill River, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 25, 2023, 12:25 PM.

Jenna Quinn captured this image of a vernal pool in Ancient Woods during a walk in 2012. There is never a bad time to connect with nature our Maple Lane, Deer Run & Grand Allee Trails remain open year round. Learn more at

June 7, 1983: My last night in Tennessee was a stormy one, and I awoke this morning to fog and drizzle. I left the shelter at 7:40 and walked the ten miles of the Appalachian Trail to Damascus in less than four hours. It was easy trail, and I was feeling strong and confident.

Autumn cliff walk, Right Knee, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 25, 2023, 3:27PM.

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Falls In The River Trail, Pittsburg NH
4 1.6-2.7 miles Easy difficulty

This is one of the beautiful that I passed earlier this month while in the White , . The is appropriately named Falling Waters Trail!


A day comes to an end as spring begins to show, Marino Pond, Plymouth, Connecticut. April 8, 2020, 7:16 PM.

July 31, 1983: The first few miles were mostly through Wawayanda State Park. Like those I passed yesterday, all the streams along the trail today were dry. Ironically, my guidebook informs me that Wawayanda is a Lenape Indian word meaning water on the mountain. Not this summer.

Side Trail

Checking out the Rainier wilderness area this morning. This is just a random shot of the tree line with a little bit of fall colors in the ground foliage with a trail leading off on the side. A simple but elegant shot. (10/21/23)

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October tranquility, Beaver Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 12, 2023, 3:05 PM.

Someone grab a rake. Autumn forest, Mattatuck Trail, Fall Mountain, Plymouth, Connecticut. October 15, 2020, 5:39 PM.

Sure, it looks pretty now, but... "You gotta take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important." - Donald Trump, forest fire prevention expert.

June 14, 1983: It was another steamy day. After seven miles of trudging up and down short, steep climbs, occasionally crossing hollows with sluggish brown creeks, I had a long, steep climb up to and along Chestnut Ridge to Chestnut Knob. Both were attractive. A long swath of grassy, flowering meadow ran along the ridge crest up to and past the knob.


Turning towards autumn, overlooking Herron Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 12, 2023, 2:34 PM.

on a mountain ridge! Eerie effects while I was in the earlier this month from being completely blanketed in dense low-lying the on the ridge and hikers were disappearing into the mist. I was feeling all alone while also knowing there were others close by. came early in the mountains!

Autumn can brighten up even a rainy day walk along a much abused river through an old industrial city. Naugatuck River Greenway, Waterbury, Connecticut. October 20, 2023, 4:41 PM.

May 23, 1983: Another morning dawned gray and dismal, shedding a chill misting rain upon the land as we made ready to set out. The sun broke out from the clouds once again just as we left the shelter all in all, a nice little symbolic flourish for our impending departure from the Great Smokies.

DeKalb County is soliciting input on the master plan for trails and greenways. This page has links to a survey as well as to an interactive map where you can suggest trail destinations or flag problems.

Cootes Paradise

Part of the Royal Botanical Gardens trails. Cootes Paradise is the Royal Botanical Gardens largest and most diverse sanctuary at over 600 hectares. The area features a 320-hectare river-mouth marsh, 16 creeks and 25 kilometres of shoreline

A. and I will definitely be coming back to this one.

Happy from Mount Kessler Hand-cut, technical .

Last Call > Terrapin Station (Lady w/a Fan) > Crazy Mary > Fayetteville Traverse > Serpentine > GOAT Trail (Stairway to Jerry), Egg Beater > Western Myth > Spellbound > Western Myth > Egg Beater > Crazy Mary

Chinquapin Oak > Bewitched > Crazy Mary > Terrapin Flyer

E: Around The Bases (Saddle Up) > Fayetteville Traverse

Rainy October evening on Mill Pond Way, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 13, 2020, 6:26 PM.

Rustic summit marker, South Bubble, Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island, Maine. April 1981. View of Eagle Lake and the Atlantic.

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