Amazing Art Trails from around the World.


Peaceful early autumn sunset at Lost Ponds, Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. September 27, 2019, 6:23 PM.

Mindfulness break.

Little known scientific facts: The little square brick house atop the dam where the dam faeries live. Cornelis Pond, Woodtick Recreation Area, Wolcott, Connecticut. June 13, 2019, 6:09 PM.

Packing up for Port Angeles on the Olympic Peninsula to be ready to ride Sea to Sound the next 3 days on Olympic Discovery . IRL ride is full but you can still participate virtually and support Ian Mackay's work for a more accessible outdoors for all.
Saturday I'll be in a power wheelchair for 5 miles at Ian's invitation to experience the ride from a new perspective.

40 years ago today: The final summit of the day was 2850-foot Baker Peak, which the Appalachian Trail ascended after leaving the lake. This was the lowest summit of the day, so I was not expecting much.

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40 years ago today: I had a twenty-minute cushion with which to play. So, naturally, I blew fifteen minutes of that cushion atop Bromleys 3260-foot summit.

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Make an Art Trail


JUNIOR DH MTB CHAOS Vallnord, Andorra Youth Gone WIld

I spend a lot of time at night. It's fascinating to me what different we encounter and when. There's a late-spring skunk season, mid-summer toad season, and then last night apparently marks the start of nighthawk season. Nearly stood on one of these guys last night. They look *exactly* like rocks until they flutter up when you're a meter away and scare the crap out of you.


Es pilzt - berall

Musste heute auf meiner Wanderung ber die Hhenzge des Schwarzatales schon im Zickzack laufen. In solchen Momenten stellt man sich doch immer wieder die Frage, warum ab Sptsommer nicht grundstzlich ein Korb zur Standart-Wanderausrstung gehrt


Hanging on by the roots sunset, abandoned quarry, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. June 1, 2023, 8:02 PM.

Octobers in New England can be blustery and colorful, but this dead calm evening was just colorful. A lake like glass in mid-October, New Britain Reservoir, Southington, Connecticut. October 13, 2019, 6:03 PM.

40 years ago today: I followed this road for a mile to an outcrop called Prospect Rock, located at the salient formed by a precipitous set of southward-facing cliffs meeting a vertical westward-facing cliff. A sweeping panoramic view of the town of Manchester, Vermont, its green valley, and the surrounding mountains detained me for fifteen minutes

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40 years ago today: The initial four miles were a piece of cake. The Appalachian Trail traversed flat terrain through dense forests. I breezed quickly over that stretch to make some time for later. I came out of the woods at Stratton Pond, a large mountain lake in an extensive hollow encircled by low ridges.

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Hello there, introduction toot. I'm a 35-year old Belgian who loves hiking and sharing the experiences of those hikes.

I have done multiple long distance hikes in Uk, France, Ireland, Spain,...

Happy to share my blog and experiences and read and hear from others.

Retoot = Thank you very much

Autumn maples stealing the show, New Britain Reservoir, Southington, Connecticut. October 12, 2019, 4:32 PM.

Dormant marsh in winter sunshine, Marino Pond, Plymouth, Connecticut. January 10, 2018, 2:58 PM.

40 years ago today: Rather than the usual solid, low overcast, this rainy day in the mountains was marked by a higher, mid-level overcast, with scattered small clouds drifting past at my altitude. The trail elevation hovered in the 3000- to 3500-foot range all day, while the ceiling was at about 5000 feet.

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40 years ago today: I walked in a continuous deluge from just past Glastenbury Mountain to the end of todays trail, journeying along boggy ridges speckled with beaver ponds. The dark, brooding aspect of the spruce-fir forests was enhanced by the rain and fog. The evening was cold and dreary, but also hauntingly lovely. Of course, it is much easier to savor the experience

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Je continue tranquillement Trails into Reverie. Au dtour d'un combat de boss que je n'arrivais pas passer, je suis all vrifier dans un guide s'il n'y avait pas de tactique spcifique employer. Aucune info sur le combat, tant pis (je l'ai pass quand mme aprs 4-5 essais)

Mais a m'a permis de voir que le jeu contient 4 actes par protagoniste plus un acte final commun. J'ai dj fini l'acte 2 d'un des hros, donc je me dis que le jeu n'est peut-tre pas aussi long que les Cold Steel qui m'avaient sembl interminables.

Sunset ducks, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. August 12, 2021, 8:01 PM.

November sunset over Hidden Lake, Fall Mountain, Plymouth, Connecticut. November 7, 2020, 4:57 PM.

40 years ago today: There were a few nice views a mile-and-a-half later from the high point of a nameless ridge. It was my second 3000-foot summit since Shenandoah National Park (Greylock being the first), and they did not even bother to give it a name up here. A scenic little beaver pond, tiny whitecaps ruffling in the breeze,

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40 years ago today: After a steep scramble up a rockslide, the trail broke out of the forest onto open rocks and ledges along the ridge crest with great views southward across the valley. The neighboring large towns of North Adams and Williamstown spread out below, covering a broad, relatively flat section of that river valley.

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Kent County spending $16M in ARPA funds on the trail network $10M to the Grand River Greenway and $6M for trails and pedestrian bridges on for the city of Wyoming. for some reason this article chooses to count $8.5M given to the county road commission as, well, something other than what always happens.

Attention quand vous prendrez des crpes la prochaine fois.

Colorful end to a brown and gray day, Marino Pond, Plymouth, Connecticut. October 28, 2019, 5:38 PM.

40 years ago today: I hung around until 3:40 this afternoon before hitting the trail. Needing to cover little more than six miles, I was hoping that the thick haze of the past couple of days would clear enough for me to truly enjoy the views from the top of Greylock. As luck would have it, the haze slowly dissipated throughout the morning and the early afternoon,

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Mais au secours.

Moi quand je regarde mes droits d'auteur en dbut d'anne.

Au contraire.

40 years ago today: As I approached Greylocks summit, I passed through an alpine forest stunted, twisted shrubs of dwarf fir and spruce. I had been making such good time I was able to dawdle along and enjoy the New England experience as well as the extensive views at the end.

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Some of the most amazing greens you will ever see are the mosses wrapped around many objects on the forest floor. Even in November and beyond.

No rolling for this stone, forest near Roaring Brook and New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. November 11, 2019, 3:10 PM.

40 years ago today: The terrain between Dalton and Cheshire was typical of the Berkshires: long, relatively flat ridge crests covered with boggy areas. Vast expanses of luxuriant fern growth in great variety carpeted the forest floor. The ridges were densely wooded, frequently featuring cool, dark coniferous forests.

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Care for my Pet