Amazing Art Trails from around the World.

Sunset ducks, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. August 12, 2021, 8:01 PM.

November sunset over Hidden Lake, Fall Mountain, Plymouth, Connecticut. November 7, 2020, 4:57 PM.

40 years ago today: There were a few nice views a mile-and-a-half later from the high point of a nameless ridge. It was my second 3000-foot summit since Shenandoah National Park (Greylock being the first), and they did not even bother to give it a name up here. A scenic little beaver pond, tiny whitecaps ruffling in the breeze,

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40 years ago today: After a steep scramble up a rockslide, the trail broke out of the forest onto open rocks and ledges along the ridge crest with great views southward across the valley. The neighboring large towns of North Adams and Williamstown spread out below, covering a broad, relatively flat section of that river valley.

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Kent County spending $16M in ARPA funds on the trail network $10M to the Grand River Greenway and $6M for trails and pedestrian bridges on for the city of Wyoming. for some reason this article chooses to count $8.5M given to the county road commission as, well, something other than what always happens.

Attention quand vous prendrez des crpes la prochaine fois.

Colorful end to a brown and gray day, Marino Pond, Plymouth, Connecticut. October 28, 2019, 5:38 PM.

40 years ago today: I hung around until 3:40 this afternoon before hitting the trail. Needing to cover little more than six miles, I was hoping that the thick haze of the past couple of days would clear enough for me to truly enjoy the views from the top of Greylock. As luck would have it, the haze slowly dissipated throughout the morning and the early afternoon,

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Mais au secours.

Moi quand je regarde mes droits d'auteur en dbut d'anne.

Au contraire.

40 years ago today: As I approached Greylocks summit, I passed through an alpine forest stunted, twisted shrubs of dwarf fir and spruce. I had been making such good time I was able to dawdle along and enjoy the New England experience as well as the extensive views at the end.

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Some of the most amazing greens you will ever see are the mosses wrapped around many objects on the forest floor. Even in November and beyond.

No rolling for this stone, forest near Roaring Brook and New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. November 11, 2019, 3:10 PM.

40 years ago today: The terrain between Dalton and Cheshire was typical of the Berkshires: long, relatively flat ridge crests covered with boggy areas. Vast expanses of luxuriant fern growth in great variety carpeted the forest floor. The ridges were densely wooded, frequently featuring cool, dark coniferous forests.

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My legs are dead after I did most of the today

Je joue into Reverie et je m'tonne encore que certains passage soient moiti doubls d'autres non. Ok je comprends que toutes les scnes ne mritent pas un doublage mais parfois y'a genre la moiti des dialogues qui sont doubls, puis a repasse au silence, puis pouf les voix reviennent.

Ca me fait vraiment tiquer au bout d'un moment.

Liberty Bend Trail along the Missouri River

Island Press has upcoming webinars on planning for community and on planning for families, as well as a number of books on sale on inclusive planning. Check it out at

Cool shade and soft breezes, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. July 19, 2020, 6:52 PM.

A bit hot and dry on the hike today, but interesting late-summer ground cover.

Nevada hiking 2018

Water lilies, Marino Pond, Plymouth, Connecticut. September 17, 2020, 5:01 PM.

40 years ago today: The highlight of my day occurred when I brilliantly attempted to cross a bog bridge at full speed in the rain. Bog bridges are wooden walkways built across muddy areas to prevent heavy hiker traffic from tearing up fragile wetlands. This one was constructed of split tree trunks with the flat side up.

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40 years ago today: I set out at 8:40 yet another early-bird start on the trail. I atoned for this somewhat by hiking the four-and-a-half miles to October Mountain Shelter by 10:15. The water supply was reported to be unfit to drink, and the shelter itself was quite run-down.

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Tablelands Trail at the Tablelands in Gros Morne National Park

Wildflowers and lily pads sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. July 15, 2021, 8:11 PM.

Rocky marshland, New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. September 24, 2019, 6:27 PM.

Good morning, and Happy Friday Eve.

40 years ago today: Three miles later, I was at Finerty Pond. The next good water on the trail was more than eight miles ahead, so I settled for bad water and pitched my tent for the night. I was not about to drink pond water without boiling it for several minutes. I was forced to drink hot chocolate with my meal.

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40 years ago today: The AT finally turned off the roads and passed through forests of pine, hemlock, and hardwoods on its way to Upper Goose Pond. Once again, the forest floor was a mass of brilliant green ferns. That is becoming one of my favorite features of the Berkshires.

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Early dusting of snow sunset, Hidden Lake, Fall Mountain, Plymouth, Connecticut. October 31, 2020, 5:43 PM.

Golden hour ferns, Mattatuck Trail, Fall Mountain, Plymouth, Connecticut. September 9, 2019, 6:21 PM.

40 years ago today: The followed dirt roads for most of the ensuing five miles to US 7 the final mile or so was on a paved road. I passed through an attractive mixture of farms and woods: green and gold fields of ripening corn, cool, dark forest groves, green pastures dappled with yellow dandelions, some amazing views back towards the Taconics.

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40 years ago today: Today began with the final three-and-a-half miles of the Taconic Range: Mount Bushnell with its excellent views, Jug End with more extensive views, and a series of nice lookouts in between. Jug End in particular was outstanding.

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Jurubir Hot Springs in Nuqu, Colombia

Natural hot springs hidden in the rainforest are only accessible by boat.

Tisk Stny in Tis, Czechia

Towering sandstone rock formations where &The Chronicles of Narnia& was filmed.

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