Amazing Art Trails from around the World.

Sunny footpath in spring, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. April 25, 2024, 4:03PM.

Enhanced almost full moon sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. June 15, 2021, 8:49 PM.

September 5, 1983: Following another brief stretch of hard climbing, I reached the crest of Franconia Ridge. The rugged climbs continued as I followed the ridge crest over Haystack Mountain, Mount Lincoln, and Mount Lafayette. For the entire distance from Little Haystack to Lafayettes north summit, the trail remained above tree line and the ridge was open and alpine.

The hills are still green. And weve got a sage bloomwatch starting! Soon enough there will be purple petals from allllll the little nubs.

October 1, 1983: After crossing Pollywog Stream on a logging road bridge, the AT proceeded to Rainbow Stream, which it followed for a good distance upstream, passing a long series of cascades and small waterfalls in the boulder-strewn shallow waters.

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August 24, 1983: A 12:45 start today. I had four major mountains to climb. I would need to average two-and-a-half miles per hour, rest stops included, in order to complete this section by dark.

Every year I take a photo of this trail marker. The first one is from 2012, the second one is from today. I guess were both a little more weathered now.

Make an Art Trail

Time moves at a slower pace out in the forest. Marino Pond, Plymouth, Connecticut. September 11, 2020, 4:21 PM.

Finally, what's a forest hike without some wildlife

The sight of large clusters of spiders was creepy. I assume the clustering has to do with mating (didn't look like spiderlings yet to disburse but I'm no expert in the field.)

I was lucky to get the shot of the snail before it drew fully into its shell.

All in all, it was a great camping and hiking trip. Would do it again.

EDIT: Apparently not spiders, a reply says.

A few more pictures from the Thursday morning hike on the rocky trail .

Picture 1 is an ultra-wide shot of one of the climbing/rappelling spots. I don't know if the depths/heights come through well enough for everyone.

Two short hikes Thursday morning before leaving the state park. The second hike was on an ankle-bending rocky trail with steep gradients, not surprising because parts of it are popular for rock climbing and rappelling.

Incredible views of the forest, lake, and rocks. Decent cardio workout as well.

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hiking railtrails reviews maps

Bishop Peak, San Luis Obispo CA
5 3.3-3.8 mile options Medium difficulty

August 24, 1983: I crossed over several knobs along the crest to Peru Peak. This summit, at 3429 feet, was the highest I crossed today, but the peak was heavily wooded.

Had a stroll on the track yesterday. Some spectacular views.

The Evening Post, 26 Apr 1924:
The track over the is shortly to be improved with an expenditure of between 500 and 400 ca. $61,000 and $49,000 today on the track and huts. A well-known member of Parliament has donated 100 ca. $12,000 today towards the fund, and the Government has made subsidies. A party from Carterton recently made the trip under Mr. J. W. Hodgson. There were a number of 13-year-old children in the party, but good progress was made in spite of bad weather. Pigs are reported to be fairly numerous on the ranges, while bellbirds are reported to be rapidly increasing. Pigeons and tuis are scarce.

Evening sunshower at Lost Ponds, Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. July 14, 2018, 6:56 PM.

September 27, 1983: The trails first breakout from the woods was about halfway up the mountain at the top of Barren Slide, where fractured slate cliffs trailed a jumble of boulders far down the mountainside, leaving a path of destruction which had obliterated a huge chunk of forest. I took another long break there.

Out making photos along the Etobicoke Creek Trail.

Pink-fringed clouds sunset. New Britain Reservoir, Southington, Connecticut. October 13, 2019, 6:21 PM.

hiking railtrails reviews maps

Iron Mountain, Poway CA
4 5.6 - 8.6 mile options Medium difficulty

September 23, 1983: The AT followed the Arnold Trail for almost two miles. It crossed a flat, very boggy area surrounding the inlet stream for Middle Carry Pond but stayed well to the north and out of sight of the pond itself.

Todays walk

Little Etobicoke Creek Trail - from the top of the stairs at the end, where the loop back is.

June evening near Hidden Lake, Fall Mountain, Plymouth, Connecticut. June 23, 2021, 7:36 PM.

September 28, 1983: At the bottom of the long descent from the Chairback range was the second-biggest water ford on the Appalachian Trail: the West Branch of the Pleasant River.

Flowering shrub. Lost Ponds, Plymouth, Connecticut. Mattatuck State Forest. May 11, 2021, 7:33 PM

July 13, 1983: On the other side of I-70, the stiff climb up Pine Knob was a harbinger of things to come. I had been told that the AT becomes much more rugged in the northern half of Maryland.

Just a short clip from several minutes of video.

Went for a long ride on a cold and drizzly day. The trail crosses a railroad trestle high above the river. Stopped there for a rest and was joined by a curious raven who paid me a visit. He/she was still there when I rode away. Beautiful birds.

Yet another ice and snow free February day in southern New England. Looking more like November than February, Giant's Chest, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. February 15, 2023, 4:35 PM.

Work day on the mt bike trails today. Lots of folks and their kids showed up, some with questionable contributions but it's all good.

It's still kind of wet around the Little Etobicoke Creek Trail. I took advantage of the reflection opportunities. - Mississauga, Ontario.

Show me your reflection shots below.

Another round of pics at the Chippewa Nature Center, a trail that my wife and I walked in which I thought looked really nice, and some pics of the cabin that was near the entrance of this section of the nature center. Shot in June, 2023.

September 29, 1983: The higher slopes of Boardman were decked out mostly in the dusky teals of a spruce-fir forest, but streaks of color added bright accents. Now miles away, the ridges and ravines of the Whitecap Range were visible in great detail in the crystalline air.


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