Amazing Art Trails from around the World.

Inland wetlands. Marsh and inlet stream, New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, CT. August 31, 2020, 7:28 PM.

Went last evening at on one of my favorite local (yes, the days are getting shorter!). As I entered the last meadow, I was greeted by this beautiful eerie scene a misty blanketing the ground as the sun was showing the last of its light with an orange glow over the horizon. Its almost Halloween!

Lanesfield Historic Site in Edgerton, Kansas

Built in 1869, this one-room rural schoolhouse welcomes visitors to travel back to 1904 school day.

Make an Art Trail

Temperatures dropped considerably last night when the wind kicked up and stayed down today. Rather late on a cool, damp morning, I set out from Frosty Mountain, having smoked my last two cigarettes with breakfast.

I looked up and felt fairly confident that I must be on the right path.


towards the sun

40 years ago today: Except for one incident, which was only bad for a few moments, the climb up Hunt spur was fun. It was maniacally steep, it had many tricky parts, and it was strenuous as hell, but I rather enjoyed it. It was the last big climb.

Now what's up in Dallas 55 miles of planned trails suddenly removed from city plans without explanation.

Friends of Saxonville 25th anniversary celebration is less than 2 weeks away!
Friday night party Oct 13 at Project B Gallery in Framingham, and Saturday afternoon Oct 14 outdoor community festival at the start of the Cochituate Rail Trail.
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American Bald Eagle

Yes, and jet trails.

Full moon twilight, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. September 16, 2021, 7:15PM. Technically a "waxing gibbous" moon, but shining bright through a light mist that evening.

40 years ago today: A side trail brought me to Big Niagara Falls (no, the other one). The falls were not enormous (no, thats the other one), but they were impressive enough, and quite scenic. A roaring stream churned through massive rock formations in a lively series of flumes and cascades between forested banks teeming with maples.

:-) Neuer online:
Dreitages-Wanderung vom 07.- 09.09.23 von in die Frnkische Schweiz mit Biwak im Wald

Am die runter ddeln ist immer wieder toll. Das letzte mal fr dieses Jahr. Mussten unsere Punktekarten noch alle machen.

Und wieso auch immer hab ich sogar noch eine Fahrt. Aber ich kann nicht mehr

Das Kind wird auch immer schneller. 20kmh im Schnitt haben wir schon. Die Mama kommt schon fast nicht mehr mit

40 years ago today: My first three-and-a-half miles took me through the end of the wilderness. The Appalachian Trail wound through an attractive forest, and it was gentle walking. When I came out onto the paved Greenville-Millinocket Road at 9:25, only fourteen-and-a-half miles of white blazes remained before me.


Late winter snow shower, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. February 22, 2021, 5:12 PM.

40 years ago today: After crossing Pollywog Stream on a logging road bridge, the AT proceeded to Rainbow Stream, which it followed for a good distance upstream.

A view not far from home on a hike alone, but I went anyway. Who knows, maybe I'll meet a bear who's also alone.

Each hike renews me and makes me grateful I put in the effort to have days like this in my life. The daily walks and yoga are critical, each a reward in and of themselves.

40 years ago today: The first day of October in the North Maine Woods was a warm one even warmer than yesterday. It was not even a bit chilly when I awoke. The trail today was rugged for this flat lake country. The initial two miles were a climb to the north summit of Nesuntabunt Mountain. The name was bigger than the mountain, but it was still a hell of a little climb.


Halfway through summer sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. August 4, 2019, 8:22 PM. The day is done, but half of Astronomical summer still lies ahead.


A few days ago, I hiked up a gulch and across a hillside through dense forest. Suddenly, I emerged from the trees and encountered this, a mostly treeless stretch of vivid autumn contrast. Getting outdoors benefits more than my body.

Heute mal wieder aufs Rad. Tour zur Schunterquelle einmal quer durch den Elm (und jetzt wieder zurck). Schunter hat das Memo nich gekriegt.

Minnie loves to

There's a Studios Without Walls sculpture exhibit on the Cochituate Rail Trail in Natick through Oct. 15. More info:

There's a Studios Without Walls sculpture exhibit on the Cochituate Rail Trail in Natick through Oct. 15. More info:

Wildflower thicket where the meadow meets the forest, Scoville Reservoir Loop, Wolcott, Connecticut. September 12, 2019, 6:07 PM.

A lot of things have gotten worse over the last 5 years, but I will say the and infrastructure in has improved by leaps and bounds. Were now seeing the network effect where 80%+ of my trips no longer force me onto dangerous roads. And sometimes I have more than one protected route to choose from!

40 years ago today: The higher slopes of Boardman were decked out mostly in the dusky teals of a spruce-fir forest, but streaks of color added bright accents. Now miles away, the ridges and ravines of the Whitecap Range were visible in great detail in the crystalline air.

The trail dropped off the little ridge and returned to the true lowlands.

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40 years ago today: At the bottom of the long descent from the Chairback range was the second-biggest water ford on the Appalachian Trail: the West Branch of the Pleasant River. Twenty-five yards across and barely knee-deep, it was no real challenge to a backpacker who had so recently waded the Kennebec.

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40 years ago today: After a short, but very steep drop over loose chunks of blasted shale down the sheer cliff face which gives Chairback Mountain its name, came an easy, more gradual descent to East Chairback Pond.

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I took this recently, as in this morning. When I took this, the sun had cleared a mountain mere minutes before. It was a bit otherworldly.

Later, I encountered two women who asked about bears. I shared I hadn't seen any, but then remembered this image & added, "But I did see a rabbit with a watch."

40 years ago today: The Appalachian Trail continued eastward along a humpy and hummocky ridge. It traveled a rugged course with constant sharp ups and downs through high, windswept forests. Masses of slender downed fir limbs and plenty of blown down trees lie among the moss and rocks of the crest.

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40 years ago today: The trails first breakout from the woods was about halfway up the mountain at the top of Barren Slide, where fractured slate cliffs trailed a jumble of boulders far down the mountainside, leaving a path of destruction which had obliterated a huge chunk of forest. I took another long break there.

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