Amazing Art Trails from around the World.

I took the new out for a today. I decided to try the new custom route feature of . I expected some differences because of the differences in the map material being used, i.e. Apple Maps versus Swisstopo maps. I consider the Swisstopo map material to be way more accurate. What I did not expect is the differences being this huge.

Posted a similar pic about a week ago. I liked that one a little more, but I think this one captures the mist best.

Feathery plumes of early morning sun rise above Tirrell Pond, Tirrell Mountain in the background. Lakeville-Placid Trail, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Adirondack Preserve, New York. September 11, 2024, 7:47 AM.

Good day!

Each night we inch closer to freezing.

Maybe thats why I slept so well last night.

Soon Ill walk, then resume the final edit. October nears, and then publishing will be next month.

Rather than dwell on anxiety thoughts, I focus on tasks.

Be everwell.

A very October pond. Whittemore Sanctuary, Woodbury, Connecticut. October 12, 2022, 4:44 PM.

Its been so long since Ive run up to this view, I really missed it!
Been missing running as well due to lingering injury recovery, but getting to do a slow ramp up run and see the ocean instead of just tootling around the streets by the house is a real treat.

Good day!

In a way thats your way, explore the world. You never know what you might find.

You might find inspiration. Each time, on each adventure, Im renewed. Another piece of a scene in an unwritten story takes up residence in my mind.

This morning, a walk, then more of the FINAL edit on Book-1.

Be everwell.

Thunderous evening. Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. September 6, 2018, 5:04 PM.

Good day!

The air is crisp and itll be a sunny day when the sun rises later. In a couple of hours, Ill be heading out for a hike.

Working on Book-1, Im having frequent moments of thinking, This is really happening.

Thats an emotion Ill always welcome.

Be everwell.

I visited this past weekend with my wife, and enjoyed a quiet walk around the loop trail.

I love how green it is where I live. This park is right in the middle of but feels remote and special.

A lagoon among the sand dunes with ocean waves breaking on the beach in the background. Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, March 1984.

Good day!

Perspective: A trail, forest, and in the distancehome.

A rainy night. Sadly itll quit before I walk after sunrise.

Ill then edit my blog post and continue the last edit on Book-1. When I think about how far the story has come emotions rise.

Be everwell.

Discover the feathered residents that are only found in the Sunshine State.
Explore 8 spectacular spots in search of charismatic plants and wildlife that can only be found in the Sunshine State.

Hazy ball of fire sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. May 21, 2021, 7:45 PM.

Fossilized remains of ancient trees, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, March 1984.

Good day!

Can the weather become any more perfect Im content to wait and see.

Perspective: I took this picture near downtown.

Almost time to walk, draft a blog post, and ready Book-1. Doing breeds learning breeds confidence. It isnt always comfortable, but it yields results.

Be everwell.

Early morning sun raises a mist above Tirrell Pond, slightly ghosting Tirrell Mountain, Lakeville-Placid Trail, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Adirondack Preserve, New York. September 11, 2024, 7:48 AM.

Small, tranquil stream meanders through an autumn meadow and forest, Lakeville-Placid Trail, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Adirondack Preserve, New York. September 11, 2024, 1:07 PM.

Yatozaka Kiridoshi Pass in Kamakura, Japan

An ancient mountain-cut pass runs largely forgotten in the suburbs of Kamakura.

Good day!

Trying to figure out how I reached this point, at 65, where Im busier than ever. I wont complain.

Book-1 is going so well that I dont want to leave it. Meanwhile, Ive chores and errands piling up.

I need more MEs.

Ill settle for just Thursdays hike and work on my list, I guess.

Be everwell.


What do you like to walk on


Rocky, muddy trail through a beautiful northern forest, Northville-Placid Trail, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Adirondack Preserve, New York. September 11, 2024, 2:21 PM.

Good day!

Were solidly between summer & fall, the temperature just right day & night with occasional rain.

I cant wait to walk!

Ive begun the ProWritingAid review of Book1 & its going great& fast, reinforcing that my editing system was worth the effort.

Be everwell.

Giant meadow, Lakeville-Placid Trail, Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Adirondack Preserve, New York. September 11, 2024, 1:05 PM.

Good day!

Wow, is it cooler now. Its exquisite.

Skipped hiking last week because of all the rain, but will head out on Monday. Then, on Thursday, Im off to Butte for a unique hike.

Another eclectic day. Ill walk, clean, & work on book prep.

Be everwell.

Morning sun and mist, Tirrell Pond and Tirrell Mountain, Northville-Placid Trail, Adirondack Preserve, New York.

Good day!

It rained for most of 18 hours, leaving behind clean air and clear skies.

After my walk, Ive an eclectic day of editing and cleaning planned.

Hiking will be different going forward. The rain also left behind cool temps.

Be everwell.

'Coccolith' in Tatsfield, England

This circular artwork represents the ancient microscopic organisms that created the chalk foundations of the North Downs Way.

Good day!

Rain, glorious rain. A strong, steady rain fell all night. Its falling still. More than weve had all year. Our Low a few days ago is todays High.

I cant wait to walk in the cleansed air.

The windows are open, its cool, and Im ready to write.

Be everwell.

I'm getting ready for Duluth's Grand Traverse 27-mile run on October 5th. I captured the first portion of the race course to share the pain with you!

It's a beautiful, but challenging, portion of the Superior Hiking Trail. Try it! Your ankles will hate you!

I fell down twice.

Good day!

The smoke returned again on the fickle winds, but not as bad. Thankfully, the temp is plummeting and theres a chance of rain.

Im going to dash to the store to avoid traffic, then walk, and tackle more publishing tasks.

Be everwell.

A top-down view of that same patch of vanilla-leaf (Achlys triphylla ()) from my last post

Good day!

*Mother Nature saw me coming so she arranged this for me.

Yesterdays smoke kept me sealed inside. Then, late, the wind swept it away. Today, the air is clear and cool and promises a lovely walk.

So many writing and publishing tasksone at a time.

Be everwell.

Exercising in autumn has some unique benefits over the other seasons. Let's examine some of the benefits and how to take advantage of them.

Beautiful golden hour forest, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. September 3, 2024, 5:50 PM

Golden hour shoreline hike, Herron Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. September 3, 2024, 5:44 PM.

Good day!

*The view north when approaching Mitten Mtn..

The smoke is bad (AQI=170). Im thankful it has cooled and I can remain inside.

Ive almost finished the Kovenlore appendices. Then, more publishing tasks, a blog post, and on it goes

Be everwell.

PSA (pls boost!)

If you use Gaia, they now partner with Outdoor and you were automatically created an Outdoor profile with your same account login info as you use for Gaia. OUTDOORS DEFAULT IS PUBLIC.

This means your hikes, waypoints, profile, PUBLIC. Even if you had it set as private on Gaia.

There are reports that even after changing it to private, its defaulting back to public. I just fixed mine, will see if it sticks. If not guess who is dumping Gaia. Shame. It used to be a great app and every update they fuck it over more and more.

Evening sunshine, Giant's Chest, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. September 4, 2024, 6:20 PM.

Good day!


In case anyone is wondering how it is I know so many statistics regarding my hikes, or even how I find them, its because I have AllTrails on my phone and desktop.

It provides me trail maps, some of which I make. It also provides distance, altitude, pace, & much more.

Be everwell.
