Amazing Art Trails from around the World.

Horseback Riding in Montana: The Top 5 Best Riding Trails

Horseback Riding in Montana is an adventure into the heart of the American West. Read to find out the 5 best trails for your horseback riding endeavours.....

May 12, 1983: I walked non-stop for the first 10 miles. The final 6 miles of todays hike were nothing more than a hazy blur of fatigue. I can barely remember anything of the trail past Wayah Bald until I reached the stubbly crest of a ridge crisscrossed by logging roads four miles later. From there, the Appalachian Trail descended for almost a mile through luxuriant rhododendron thickets reminiscent

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Fox Forest, Hillsborough NH (Updated)
2-4 2.8-6.2 mile options Easy/Medium difficulty


Pictured: the Potomac River when I crossed it leaving town July 12.

July 11, 1983: After a mile of descent, the trail crossed the Shenandoah River on a highway bridge and climbed the steep bluffs lining the opposite shore, beginning the last mile into town. Harpers Ferry, West Virginia is located on the roughly triangular-shaped peninsula

Heute war doppelter war, ist kompletter

Hundred Year Stone in Keswick, England

This unusual sculpture is sometimes partially, sometimes fully, submerged.

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Oak Hill & Knowlton Forest, Concord NH
3-4 2.9-4.7 mile options Easy difficulty

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Skull Rock Nature Trail, Joshua Tree National Park CA
4 1.7 mile loop Easy difficulty

the Box Canyon and Kitchen Mesa at ,

It took some exploring to find our way out of the box canyon to the top of the box: the old trail has washed out. Then more wandering to find a route around the deep canyon and over to Kitchen Mesa.

The top of Kitchen Mesa is startlingly white: the Todilto formation, dolomite and gypsum. The Kitchen Mesa trail goes through the old Ceolophysis quarry. The whole area is beautiful Colorado Plateau .

June 7, 1983: The trail gradually descended along the ridge into the green valley where Damascus lay nestled among the mountains. The late morning sun had finally burned through the clouds as I followed the Appalachian Trail along the main street of this small southwestern Virginia town.

what to expects on the trails: Victorias Galloping Goose

If anyone is looking for flannel fun March 23 from 1-5 pm, come out to Nordegg, Alberta for the Flannel Gala where you will feast on eats & drink local beer (Rival Trade) AND learn about the newest mountain bike trails on Black Mountain.

Insta Link:

May 10, 1983: The journeyed through a landscape of twisted masses of rhododendron jungles breached by small, rocky streams bordered by profusions of growth, even wilder and more densely entangled. At times, the trail was a tunnel, completely encircled by rhododendron, their thickly interwoven branches forming walls and a roof.

May 9, 1983: Dave and I had lunch in Bly Gap, just across the state line into North Carolina. One state down and eleven to go. A large, rather steeply-sloping meadow ran down the side of the ridge from the crest there, bright green grass broken by reddish brown channels where several runoff streams (dry today) exposed the clay soil.

releases July 5th!!!

Zurck vom Rennsteig wurde es diesig, fast schon mystisch

August 14, 1983: I dropped my backpack and carried my camera five hundred feet down a side trail to Rands View, a spot at the top of a high, sloping pasture where a remarkable view northward revealed the Taconic Range from Lions Head in Connecticut to Mount Everett in Massachusetts.

Big ol' burl along . This one was around two feet in diameter soit was hard to miss.

Wetter passt, also immer schn hoch Richtung Rennsteig

September 13, 1983: The Appalachian Trail descended alongside Moss Pond's outlet brook to Gentian Pond. A trail shelter was perched atop a small ridge flanked by the pond on one side and another great view to the south on the other. I caught up to a couple of guys there the first people I had encountered since leaving Gorham.

Wieder zurck nach lngerer Pause

Hin und wieder brauche ich etwas Abstand zu den Dingen um mich zu erden, fokussieren und wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen.

Natrlich war ich nach wie vor in der Natur regelmig Wandern und Laufen, woraus ich die meiste Kraft generieren kann - die Natur ist halt das beste Balsam fr Leib und Seele

Thin ice. Massive February thaw at Lost Ponds, Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. February 12, 2020, 4:04 PM.

May 6, 1983: Cowrock Mountain was the star of the show today, with many views from the open, rocky ledges and terraces around the summit. There were more great views of that maze of mountains and narrow valleys threading west and northwest towards the Western fork of the Blue Ridge.

This tree at the trailhead and the entire trail is dedicated to a local landowner who died young from leukemia in 1993. I took several pictures of the tree from different distances and angles, and liked this one the best even though it only shows the core third of the tree. I should come back in a few months when it's filled out.

The Cupertino end of the same line, near the level crossing at Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road. This segment is also paralleled by an urban trail, but it's considerably older, presumably dating back to when the line was in regular use: there's a fence, No Trespassing signs, and some distance from the line. Debris in the mud suggests there might have been a passing track, storage line, or spur here long ago. Safe bet those houses are much newer.

Early morning autumn footbridge, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 19, 2019, 8:48 AM.

May 5, 1983: It was a comparatively gentle climb for the most part, but I have a long way to go before my body is truly ready for this adventure. The day was sunny and hot, and I ran out of water about halfway through the climb. The heavy backpack I was carrying, and the extra pounds of my overweight body had taken their toll on the soles of my feet,

Good hiking on the mountain today. Rainy but fun.

June 29, 1983: The remainder of the trail was densely wooded, generally lacking in viewpoints. That was of little consequence today. The cold rain intensified and lingered into the night. Rain makes for a much more introverted hiking experience than on a clear day. Far-off vistas disappear and distant colors are muted into shades of gray.

Trail Sense: Android Open-Source app for entirely offline use for hiking, backpacking, camping, and geocaching

In background a blurred image of a mountain, and in foreground is title text saying Trail Sense for Navigation, Weather and Astronomy Trail Sense is a tool, and just like any other tool that you bring into the wilderness, its essential to have backup equipment and skills. One of its goals is that its features should make

Portland Arch in Covington, Indiana

One of Indiana&s only natural, sandstone arches is nestled between resort ruins and an old Boy Scouts camp.

July 9, 1983: The first seven miles of trail were another game of lost-in-the-woods. When it was over, I sat down to rest for ten minutes on a rock beside the trail. Five minutes after resuming my hike, I passed a park bench in the middle of a clearing surrounded by a pleasant forest grove. I wished this spot had been mentioned in my guidebook.

All told, the city is considering $27 million worth of trails, paths and greenways, totaling 32 miles.

This would be very good for Tucker. Right now Tucker feels to me as if they have accommodated cars at every turn: multi-lane stroads, strip malls, and large lots. And all of that has caused awful traffic. Alternative ways to get around would help.

Trail Sense: Android Open-Source app for entirely offline use for hiking, backpacking, camping, and geocaching

Trail Sense is a tool, and just like any other tool that you bring into the wilderness, its essential to have backup equipment and skills. One of its goals is that its features should make use of the sensors on a phone rather than relying on stored ...continues


Trail Sense is a tool, and just like any other tool that you bring into the wilderness, it's essential to have backup equipment and skills. One of its goals is that its features should make use of the sensors on a phone rather than relying on stored information such as online guides.
* Designed for hiking, backpacking, camping, and geocaching
* Place beacons and navigate to them
* Follow paths
* Retrace your steps with backtrack
* Use a photo as a map
* Plan what to pack
* Be alerted before the sun sets
* Predict the weather
* Use your phone as a flashlight
* Estimate height of a cliff
* And much more!
So you'll notice with this app there is no quick download of some map or guide. The idea is to prepare before departing with photos of your map, putting waypoints in, etc.

An Android app that uses your phone's sensors to assist with wilderness treks or survival situations. - kylecorry31/Trail-Sense

#technology #opensource #hiking #trails

Shades of yellow sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. June 10, 2021, 5:57 PM.

May 3, 1983: At a spot called Three Forks, four miles from Springer Mountain, the crossed a fire road beside the convergence of three streams which had become raging torrents. A blinding mass of rain was creating a surreal, semi-aquatic woodland.

Andrew DeVries Sculpture Trail in Middlefield, Massachusetts

Dozens of bronze sculptures are woven into the landscape along this trail.

Best Art Trail in South Carolina