Amazing Art Trails from around the World.

Fire on the mountain sunset, version 3, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. December 19, 2024, 4:42 PM.

Uprooted tree and New Years Eve view of Giant's Head, cliffs above Mill River, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. December 19, 2024, 4:42 PM.


Good day!

Were supposed to have one warm day, then plunge to subzero. What fun!

Im prepared, & welcome the challenge. I have the gear for extreme cold. Soon, Ill have the gear for snow.

Speaking of challengesI continue to edit 2 WIPS (mostly one). Fresh eyes, always fresh eyes!

Be everwell.


Good day!

So, its Monday, which kinda looks like everyday. Not that I want to return to a job thatd rule my life.

Ill walk the trail this morning, then edit Book3, maybe edit a little of Cryptic Design, probably procrastinate on going to the store again.

I need to shake things upagain.

Be everwell.

Flathead Lake, Mission Mountains

Good day!

There are those moments when nature prompts me to kneel, not because Im supposed to, but because I need to.

Meanwhile, my writer brain has fully engaged with editing mode. Thats about my eyes, too, and how they see.

Be everwell.

New Years Eve golden hour at the old abandoned quarry, Giant's Head, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. December 31, 2024, 3:58 PM.

Ich war Fahrradfahren.
Es war sehr anstrengend.

Braunschweiger Winterchallenge 2025


-1bis3C und etwas windig.
Bodenverhltnisse am Limit:
Nass, matschig, verharschter Schnee, Eis, oder eine Mischung daraus.
Sehr viele gefllte Bume in einem Abschnitt, wo man tragen und klettern musste.
Irgendwo sollte ein Pfad sein, da war tiefer Schnee und weicher Boden fr 1km.
Ich verbuch das mal als "high intensity training".


Good day!

Its that time of year when I see a few people, at best, on the walking trail. My guess (hope) is that they wait until its warmer in the afternoon.

I prefer not long after sunrise. That could change if we go subzero.

Two (short) chapters edited yesterday!

Be everwell.


Good day!

Imposed monotony is the mother of burnout.

Sometimes, it helps to remind myself of that factlike when Im burned out.

Ive gifted myself a little time each day to work on a different writing project. Then, I switch back to the Book3 edit. It worked. My productivity soared.

Be everwell.

Early spring idyll at Whittemore Sanctuary, Woodbury, Connecticut, March 29, 2024, 4:42 PM.

Airplane passing by


Good day!

We received more snow yesterday. This month, the slightest possibility seems to yield more white stuff. Its also colder (24F, -4.4C.

To treat burnout, Ive broken away from publishing projects for now. Rotating projects aids editing, but also my mental health.

Be everwell.

Flekkerya in Kristiansand, Norway

Ansteins sti on Flekkerya in Kristiansand, Norway

Eroded trail through burning bush thicket, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 25, 2023, 5:21 PM.


Good day!

Yesterday was difficult, Everything that can go wrong

Yeah, that.

My mooring lost, Im searching for a paddle.

In other words, events conspired to let in the depression thats been nipping at my heels for some time. Ill not shrink from it, nor deny it, but instead, face it head-on.

Be everwell.

Autumn forest sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 23, 2019, 5:33 PM.

My brother Mike and friends climbing through old fields in early spring on the Appalachian Trail near Falls Village, Salisbury, Connecticut. April 8, 2024, 11:50 AM.


Good day!

It has, at last, stopped snowing after the biggest snowstorm Ive seen here in a decade. Be careful what you wish for, I guess.

I still love it.

No matter the weather, I walk or hike. Even in the valley, there are so many rivers (& river channels) to visit.

Be everwell.

It was a lovely day, and I needed a break near the top of that brutal climb up Level Up at the end of my 20+ kilometer run, so here's a panorama for you

It was a lovely day, and I needed a break near the top of that brutal climb up Level Up at the end of my 20+ kilometer run, so here's a panorama for you

Fairy ring of eastern jack-o'lantern mushrooms against a drab forest floor, Woodtick Trail, Wolcott, Connecticut. September 7, 2019, 3:22 PM.


January rain, Finch Brook Preserve, Wolcott, Connecticut. January 8, 2019, 4:38 PM.

Pic: Dec 5, 2025

Good day!

On the in-town trail yesterday, the snow falling, I noticed a tiny snowman atop the wooden marker. At the next marker, another snowman (picture).

At every marker, a snowmanuntil the last (they mustve turned off the trail). Each had made me smile.

So, I made one.

Be everwell.

Stately old forest in autumn, mountaintop plateau, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut.

Pic: Dec 7, 2014

Good day!

I took this a decade ago, yet the rivers power remains, even when cloaked, even at a time of year humans think of as dead.

Nature is never dead.

To believe so is for us to forget what living is.

Be everwell.

Salmon coral fungus, Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. August 16, 2018, 6:10 PM.

Pic: Dec 3 25

Good day!

I took this yesterday morning while on a river hike (they're picturesque in winter with no bugs).

At that point, we had about 4in (10cm), but then we received heavy snow all afternoon.

Who know how much there is now.

Be everwell.

Pink and gold sunset thunderheads, Woodtick Recreation Area, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. August 30, 2021, 7:38 PM.

Pic: Jan 2 25

Good day!

Actual snow yesterday on the Milwaukee Trail. Flurries lingered all day. It was harder in the evening.

Winter Weather Advisory for today.

Ive begun editing Book3 & it feels great, like sanding & finishing wood. Ive grown to love it.

Be everwell.

3Brennan Falls, NH

2 miles Easy Located just north of Francestown, Brennan Falls is a modest 20-foot waterfall that puts on a spectacular show during high-water events.

Pic: Dec 7 24

Good day!

Sunrise remains over an hour away, but I can see theres enough snow outside to have covered the grass.

Something inside, some inner barometer, says a change in our local weather has occurred & winter has finally arrived.

Be everwell.

Ganz nach dem gestern schon geposteten Motto ist war ich heute zum beim und wurde vom neuen Jahr mit viel Sonne begrt


Good day & Happy New Year!

My 2024 hiking year by the numbers. This doesnt include my daily walk.

Hikes: 24
Distance: 162.1 miles (260.9K)
Altitude gain: 24,354 feet (7,423.1m)

Most ambitious Mitten Mtn (summit pics). It was 14.1 miles (22.7K) to the top.

Be everwell.

Mit diesen beiden vom 2024 wnsche ich allen Fedibikern und dem restlichen einen - aber nur ins 2025 und nicht mit dem Bike ist

31.12.2024: oberhalb vom

Dramatic sunset just off the Tunxis Trail. Near New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. September 8, 2020, 7:10 PM.


Good day!

Congratulations, weve reached years end, coming full circle & discovering weve ended up in a different place.

The new year will bring, as it always does, the expected & unexpected.

My greatest hope rests in what I dont yet know exists.

Be everwell.

death benefit nomination