Amazing Art Trails from around the World.


Turning towards autumn, overlooking Herron Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 12, 2023, 2:34 PM.

on a mountain ridge! Eerie effects while I was in the earlier this month from being completely blanketed in dense low-lying the on the ridge and hikers were disappearing into the mist. I was feeling all alone while also knowing there were others close by. came early in the mountains!

Autumn can brighten up even a rainy day walk along a much abused river through an old industrial city. Naugatuck River Greenway, Waterbury, Connecticut. October 20, 2023, 4:41 PM.

May 23, 1983: Another morning dawned gray and dismal, shedding a chill misting rain upon the land as we made ready to set out. The sun broke out from the clouds once again just as we left the shelter all in all, a nice little symbolic flourish for our impending departure from the Great Smokies.

DeKalb County is soliciting input on the master plan for trails and greenways. This page has links to a survey as well as to an interactive map where you can suggest trail destinations or flag problems.

Make an Art Trail

Cootes Paradise

Part of the Royal Botanical Gardens trails. Cootes Paradise is the Royal Botanical Gardens largest and most diverse sanctuary at over 600 hectares. The area features a 320-hectare river-mouth marsh, 16 creeks and 25 kilometres of shoreline

A. and I will definitely be coming back to this one.

Happy from Mount Kessler Hand-cut, technical .

Last Call > Terrapin Station (Lady w/a Fan) > Crazy Mary > Fayetteville Traverse > Serpentine > GOAT Trail (Stairway to Jerry), Egg Beater > Western Myth > Spellbound > Western Myth > Egg Beater > Crazy Mary

Chinquapin Oak > Bewitched > Crazy Mary > Terrapin Flyer

E: Around The Bases (Saddle Up) > Fayetteville Traverse

Rainy October evening on Mill Pond Way, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 13, 2020, 6:26 PM.

Rustic summit marker, South Bubble, Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island, Maine. April 1981. View of Eagle Lake and the Atlantic.

Golden June sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. June 4, 2021, 7:47 PM.

Watch your step. Icy footbridge in Finch Brook Preserve, Wolcott, Connecticut, February 20, 2019, 4:21 PM.

This is one of the picturesque lakes I passed yesterday afternoon while . This is so great several lakes and meadows, plus densely forested sections and hills. here is much more like fun than a workout!

It's an orangey sky (h/t to The Cars). Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. May 18, 2021, 7:53 PM.

Green wetlands, green forest, Mattatuck Trail, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. June 30, 2023, 4:22 PM.

Autumn tranquility, Herron Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 12, 2023, 2:11 PM.

It shore looks like October, Beaver Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 12, 2023, 3:14 PM.

For a half-mile, the trail shot straight up the precipitous north flank of Brushy Mountain, all the way up to the wooded crest. By the time I made it to the top I had broken all the old sweating records I had established on this hike.

A Baltimore "Historic" map for the conference, to orient nonresidents. Trail 1 goes from Patterson Park "ova east" straight into downtown, then hooks around to Fort Avenue heading for the national "shrine" of Fort McHenry. A 5-mile hike, one way, though you need to put thought into returning from whence you came (I did it by bus in 2010).
The numbers correspond to imagery, now reachable via thank you,
e.g. Science Center in 2010:

Autumn colors, Beaver Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 12, 2023, 3:01 PM.

Autumn footbridge, Herron Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 12, 2023, 2:01 PM.

Last one today. Love exploring this area, Valley of the Gods. Near Mexican Hat, Utah.

Cedar Mesa sandstone dating to the Permian age, 250 million years old.

Tall trees in slanting October afternoon sunshine, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 12, 2023, 2:21 PM.

Old stone dam on Beaver Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 12, 2023, 3:02 PM. Yes, "Beaver Pond" is manmade.

Pink and purple clouds sunset, Mattatuck Trail, Plymouth, Connecticut. October 8, 2019, 6:35 PM.

Some cool pics of the area *now* where this eruption may occur. It's a trip how the entire landscape will change again, once an eruption occurs.

October afternoon above Herron Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 12, 2023, 2:36PM.

Quinnipiac University, Mount Carmel and New Haven from Giant's Chest, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 27, 2022, 4:32 PM.

Evening descends upon the big field, Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. May 24, 2020, 7:11 PM.

The Mill River in autumn. Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 21, 2022, 4:21 PM.

Salmon Brook Trail in Glastonbury.

Bin mal wieder hart am Fahrradfahren dran. Nochmal das trockene Wetter und bisschen Sonne auskosten.

Seit Sonntag schon das zweite Mal in den Elm geradelt. Route leicht variiert.
Heute war ich schneller unterwegs aber lnger, weiter und hher.

Und es hat auch noch Spa gemacht


Golden halo sunset at Lost Ponds, Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. June 8, 2017, 8:31 PM.

Above it all. Whitestone Cliffs Trail, Plymouth, Connecticut. October 18, 2020, 6:22 PM.

"I regret all the people I've lost over the years"

Rocky marsh in autumn, New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 12, 2019, 6:00 PM.

The Mad River running high after an October rainstorm, Mattatuck Trail, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 19, 2020, 5:41 PM.

Unlike the Roan Highlands, the open fields throughout the Mount Rogers area did not seem to be natural balds. In places which hadn't been grazed recently, thick scrub covered the landscape. The predominant features of these landscapes were emerald green spring grasses and medium to light gray boulders and rock outcrops,

Sea to Sound ride was so fabulous! They produced a video with those of us who spent time in a power wheelchair for a small exposure to trails from a different vantage point.

I added a QGIS hash tag so it is time for a new introduction.
Mainly for a cool conference 2 weeks from now in .

The event:
Mine: (historic trails threads late, primarily re city art)

has it wrong: "the first year the data was gathered and analyzed was 2008"
In the *70s* I was undergrad on a fire station location study
My open source OS: (since 0.9).
Poll on fashion later (masks are must-have for me!).

pet portrait