Amazing Art Trails from around the World.

Another day on the . A 12 inch Douglas Fir came down and brought a small Madrone down with it. Both died in the 2017 Nuns Canyon fire. Fortunately we hike with a small chainsaw and were able to get the Madrone out of the way. The Fir will have to wait until we carry in the larger saw.

Above the city, Hancock Brook Trail, Waterbury, Connecticut. October 24, 2020, 6:02 PM.

Good day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday. I had a wonderful day of animals, food, football (Go Pack Go!), and love.

I was gone for 36 hours.

My walk was a trail out of town that passed this photogenic piece of history, the Mission Mountains hidden.

Now, the routine returns.

Be everwell.

Coming out of the forest onto the cliffs, Giant's Chest, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 16, 2024, 1:16 PM.

4 Straightback Mt, Alton NH
4-6 miles Moderate

This looping trail is study in contrasts. Wide snowmobile trails, exposed granite caps and a narrow Precipice Path await.

bit of storm damage on the

Chasing light trails and capturing moments that glow. Sydney nightlife reimagined


Falcom Unveils December 2024 Calendar Wallpaper Featuring Class VII


Good day!

This is Drey the squirrel. Each morning I leave her an offering along the trail I walk.

Ive an hour drive ahead of me this Thanksgiving holiday here in the US. Food, football, & socializing await.

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate, & to everyone

Be everwell.

Dear goers I need some suggestion.

For a training document I am looking a to around the world but better in . It needs to have good data, rich in natural features to display such as peaks, rivers, cliffs foresrs etc. Minimal human infra and good , paths, tracks.

Any suggestions

Please boost if you have outdoorsy circles.

Which way is up Autumn forest mirrored by the completely still waters of a narrow arm of the lake, New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 14, 2019, 5:06 PM.


Good day!

More Thanksgiving prep today & working on the Book4 novel scan.

A below freezing walk ahead, which technically happens on a trail.

The Milwaukee Trail connects to other dirt trails that climb into the mountains. Here in town, though, its paved.

Be everwell.

Exploring the Southwest along six urban loop trails

The American Southwest is filled with amazing hikes and bike rides that take you to some of the most scenic landscapes in the entire nation. But, one doesnt have to explore just National Parks or scenic landscapes in rural areas. Six cities across the Southwest have established or are in the process of completing urban loop trails that provide local residents and visitors with energizing and enriching experiences of their own.

The following urban loop trails are listed in order from the longest (56+miles) to the shortest (just under 12 miles). They are located in/near cities ranging in population from just under 3,000 to well over 500,000.

Each urban loop trail has its own unique aspects and features including, but not limited to:

In a number of cases, these urban loops are entirely off-road, while others incorporate bike lanes along streets and roadways. Regardless, these loop trails provide a perspective on cities we often dont have the opportunity to experience seeing them and their periphery at a relatable human speed and scale. Peace!

Prescott Circle Trail, AZ = 56.3 miles hiking/horseback/mountain biking only 100% of the loop has been completed Rated 4.0 on AllTrails for the full route, but with higher ratings for many of the individual segments.


Tucson Loop, AZ = 54 miles 100% of the multi-modal loop has been constructed Rated 4.5 on AllTrails


Flagstaff Loop Trail, AZ = 42 miles both multi-modal and use specific segments, whichare under development using both existing trails, as well as new ones.


Activity Loop Trail (Albuquerque), NM = 50 miles multi-modal The Paseo de las Montanas portion is rated 4.4 on AllTrails


Loveland Recreational Loop, CO = 21.7 miles 100% of the multi-modal loop has been constructed Rated 4.6 on AllTrails


Mineral Belt Trail (Leadville), CO = 11.7 miles 100% of the multi-modal loop has been constructed Rated 4.7 on AllTrails


#biking #cities #environment #fun #geography #hiking #history #landUse #loopTrails #mountainBiking #planning #tourism #trailLoops #trails #transportation #travel #urbanLoopTrails #urbanTrailLoops #walking

Pink and blue soft pastel sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. September 18, 2021, 7:02 PM.

Good day!

The mountains are white now! Here in the valley (actually, the convergence of 5 valleys) we had just enough to coat the grass.

The novel scan continues (25% done).

Now, theres prep for Thanksgiving, as in foodplus I repainted my nails.

Be everwell.

A blaze of yellow and gold two weeks earlier, this place still looks nice on a beautiful Indian Summer day.

November ravine, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. November 15, 2024, 12:10 PM.

route still rideable on . Today's ride.


Good day!

*Taken yesterday looking north from my in-town walk.

A couple of errands & a walk, then back to the Book4 novel scan. Im making great headway.

Thanksgiving has begun stealing time, as its apt to do.

Ive settled on my next hikeif its accessible.

Be everwell.

Went out to snap some photos of birds and wildlife at Calero. Here are a few of the views snapped from my phone. Perfect day for it.

Dramatic clouds above the sleeping meadow. Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. February 12, 2020, 3:42 PM. A recently mowed field of tall grass waiting for spring.

Good day!

The fewer the humans, the greater the silence.

Nature, rather than talking to the head, speaks to the heart. It sings, rather than scream.

We are children of nature, and always will be, but having leftwe forget.

Be everwell.

Mit der schon wieder bevorstehenden Wrmewelle habe ich heute die vielleicht / wahrscheinlich einzige und letzte Chance diesen Winter fr einen

October sky at the reservoir. New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 12, 2019, 4:17 PM.


Good day!

That new last chapter is written.

Im now creating the novel scan for Book4.

Our rain continues, though the total accumulation isnt that much. It still helps.

It also makes me feel more creative. Autumn & winter talk to me, but at a whisper that stirs ideas.

Be everwell.

In an angry and confused world, it is cheering to note that Cedar Rapids's metro bike network is approaching functional completion


Good day again!

My expected drizzle turned out to be a steady rain on my walk.

It was wonderful.

The temperature was 37F (2.8C) when I went out at 9AM (sorry, I dont know what that is in metric ).

The mountains were invisible, as were people. I saw one jogger.

The squirrels took my offering!

Be everwell.

Split rock sunset. New Britain Reservoir, Southington, Connecticut. July 5, 2020, 7:52 PM.


Good day!

Sometimes, the road is literally rocky.

Drizzle on & off all day, like yesterday, like tomorrow. Itll be just over freezing when I walk & feed my adopted squirrel family.

I finished editing Missing Identity, but it needs a new final chapter.

Be everwell.

October magic at the reservoir. New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 12, 2019, 6:00 PM.

Whole lotta lily pads, Herron Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. August 1, 2023, 2:34 PM.

Happy trails!


Good day!

*Zoom in. Left of center at top. Theres an arch.

Ill finish this edit of Missing Identity, drafted in 12/23. Next project A novel scan for Book4.

First, this morning, a walk. We supposedly have moisture on the way starting tomorrow.

Be everwell.

The big field comes back to life. Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. May 24, 2020, 7:14 PM.

4 Provin Mt Fire Tower, MA
3 miles Easy Agawam, MA

Provin Mountain is peak of marginal prominence on the Metacomet Ridge - a long rocky range spanning the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut. This hike boasts some of the best features of this range, including sheer cliff faces that present some impressive views.


Good day!

We had a dusting of snow yesterday morning & could see much more tomorrow.

Then, itll warm enough to melt it.

People assume we get a lot of snow here. We dont. The surrounding mountains are white most of the year, but not down here.

Be everwell.

Red sky at night, Lost Ponds, Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. June 1, 2021, 8:27 PM.


Good day!

Well, my book goes live today, so thats a milestone.

Thats my approach to long term goals. One mindful step at a time.

Thats also how I reached a location to take this picture.

Each milestone powers me to the next, the whole an amazing journey.

Be everwell.

Island in the stream. Mad River ravine, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 19, 2020, 5:45 PM.

Tumalo Falls in Bend, Oregon

An attractive free-plunge waterfall outside Bend in the Deschutes National Forest.


Good day!

Ill run errands this morning, then walk after sunrise.

Im realizing that, despite publishing (Trust in the Forgotten goes live tomorrow), that Im busier than ever.

Im quickly editing last years draft, developing a novella tale, & more. Whew!

Be everwell.
