Amazing Art Trails from around the World.

Pictured above: Wildcat Mountain from Cascade Mountain shot 9/12. 40 years ago Sunday: When it finished with the cliffs, the Appalachian Trail traversed about a zillion steep little knobs known as the Wild Kittens. Thats a really cute name, but I came I thought much more appropriate as I struggled over the little bastards.

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23h54: j'ai but le... *compte sur ses doigts* 4me boss de fin du jeu. LA NORMALEMENT je suis parti pour les cinmatiques de fin, je vous tiens au jus. into Reverie.

40 years ago Sunday: The AT joined the Lost Pond Trail for the first mile today, following the course of the Ellis River through Pinkham Notch and brushing the shore of a pretty lake.

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Je tiens signaler que je suis au dernier boss (enfin, la dernire srie de boss j'imagine) de into Reverie et que ma team contient trente-neuf (39) personnages.

C'est plus une quipe de JRPG ce niveau, c'est une arme.

Hmm. Seems like the decision to keep the isnt based on safety.
Was it ever I supported the decision to close it, for safety reasons, but I no longer believe that was the original motivation. Was it a ruse

Believe people when they show you who they are.

hikers on the trails report far more fires than they start.


40 years ago Friday: After Eisenhower, the trail descended into a col before another stiff climb up Mount Franklin, the first 5000-footer of the day. The sky had cleared very nicely by the time I reached this peak.

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'Ghost Riders of the Chisholm Trail' in Caldwell, Kansas

A series of silhouettes that recall the great cattle drives of the 19th-century.

40 years ago Friday: It was mostly cloudy in Crawford Notch at 12:30 when I set out on the . A nice, stiff breeze was blowing, the air was fresh and dry, and the day was much cooler than the last few had been. As usual, that 12:30 start was considerably later than I wanted it to be.

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Happy Almost Friday.

40 years ago today: Took a day off the trail (my last). From 5/24/83: I awoke cold and clammy this morning and lay in my sleeping bag fascinated, watching tiny wisps of cloud swirl in through the gaping holes in the shelters wall above my head, drift leisurely across the ceiling, and slip out of the open side.

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hiking railtrails reviews maps

Village Spur Rail Trail, Belmont NH
4 2.1 miles each way Easy

40 years ago today: Took a day off the trail (my last). From 5/23/83: The trail finally leveled out near the crest of Max Patch Mountain, soon coming out upon the gravel Max Patch Road, which it would follow for the next four miles.

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Early spring sunset at Lost Ponds, Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. April 20, 2021, 7:27 PM.

Above the city, Hancock Brook Trail, Waterbury, Connecticut. October 24, 2020, 6:02 PM. Even in an old, past its peak manufacturing city you can hike to a view like this.

Keine Wolke, knalle Sonne und viel zu hei!

Wandern im Herbst ist doch deutlich angenehmer, aber ab nchste Woche sollte es dann wohl endlich soweit sein


Autumn forest sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 23, 2019, 5:33 PM. Sometimes the sunset itself does not need to provide the color.

Tuesday hike on a pleasantly cool, sunny morning.

Glossy winter afternoon, Lindsley Brook, Wolcott, Connecticut. February 6, 2021, 4:39 PM.

Teil 2 aus :

Nach mit habe ich auf die andere Seite gewechselt und noch den Trail gemacht.

Ursprnglich war der nach kanadischem Vorbild von kanadischen Trailbauern eher als Murmelbahn geshaped. Im Laufe der Jahre sind aber viele Stellen ausgewaschen und hnlich wie die Borderline mit wurzligen und steinigen, gerlligen Passagen gespickt.



Inbox: the annual Loup de Ville Fest has a nice new website For those like me that missed the memo, this is a free 2 day event celebrating our wonderful Rivanna Trail system starting Saturday September 23rd

C'est vraiment infernal dans into reverie que la moiti des dialogues soient doubls. Je veux bien que a soit pas le cas pour les scnes pas importantes mais durant certaines scnes justement importantes y'a des doublages parfois une ligne sur deux, c'est vraiment incomprhensible.


Da ich heute eh nach in den musste, konnte ich nicht anders als nach dem Termin noch auf ein, zwei der Sahnetrails des zu gehen

von der vom hinunter nach Freiburg


Peaceful autumn afternoon at the reservoir, New Britain Reservoir, Southington, Connecticut. October 12, 2019, 4:40 PM.

40 years ago today: The AT bypassed the cliffs which towered over the pond, but there were several great viewpoints atop rock outcrops along that climb, overlooking an immense, L-shaped valley encircled by the lofty, wooded heights of Mount Wolf, Mount Kinsman, and several of their spur ridges.

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Lookin good there, Mt. D

Pffft, les missions alatoires de into Reverie qui me forcent faire une team loli :/

Plus que la route de Lloyd Act IV et je serai en route pour l'acte final de into Reverie. Avec un peu de chance je l'aurai fini avant de partir en vacances.

Crisp autumn hike, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 27, 2022, 3:41 PM.

40 years ago today: The spruce gradually diminished in height as I ascended the narrow ridge crest. Soon, they were little more than stunted dwarfs, and I was surrounded by panoramic views.

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40 years ago today: The Appalachian Trail briefly followed the U.S.F.S. fire road before turning onto a paved road for a while. Eventually, the trail turned off that road, passed through some fields, and reentered the woods. That was the point where the real climbing began.

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Which way is up Autumn forest mirrored by the completely still waters of a narrow arm of the lake, New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 14, 2019, 5:06 PM.

40 years ago today: The trail descended past a water source called Hairy Root Spring (I know sounds yummy, doesnt it) to the shores of Wachipauka Pond, the mountain tarn I had just seen from above. The AT crossed a marshy area and climbed over a wooded hill before dropping down to state road 25, another small two-lane highway,

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40 years ago today: The initial mile of trail was a meandering stroll through the forest on assorted trails and logging roads, after which the AT cut through a farm, crossing a pasture and going past some outbuildings before turning onto a dirt road. The next mile was all on dirt and gravel roads, at one point approaching Upper Baker Pond:

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