Amazing Art Trails from around the World.

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Hey Franz-- your end-of-day inspired me to do the same! Because of my other activities, I've neglected my cycling. Just now finished a scenic loop on local around two lakes. Was rewarded at the end with these two amazing creatures who posed while I took pics as I rode by!!


Watch your step. Icy footbridge in Finch Brook Preserve, Wolcott, Connecticut, February 20, 2019, 4:21 PM.

Auf meiner heute kam ich mal wieder an den bei in der Nhe von vorbei. Dort habe ich diese geniale von Himmel, Wolken und Bumen fotografiert

June 13, 1983: Up until three years ago, the Appalachian Trail had turned right and followed the crest of Big Walker for many miles, but barely a trace of the old crestline trail was visible. Today, the AT reaches the top and descends immediately along the opposite slope into the next valley.

Then and Now in 2 parts.

Rands View on the slopes of Prospect Mountain along the Appalachian Trail in northwest Connecticut. One pic is from August 14, 1983 during my thru-hike. One is from yesterday, April 8, 2024.

June 12, 1983: Before 6:30, as the first faint blue twilight tinged the blackness, I was on my way. The woods were at their prettiest in those fleeting moments before sunrise I promised myself that I would try to get early starts more often.

Immer diese Scheiss- MTBler. Klauen den Abfall von den Wanderwegen und nehmen Plastik, Alu und Zigarettenpackungen mit runter ins Tal.

If you love beautiful scenery and wildlife, we suggest hiking Cathedral Spires in Custer State Park. Check out our experience here!

Check out these great hiking trails across America!

August 9, 1983: The next three-and-a-half miles were an easy walk through pleasant forests with no distant views. The Appalachian Trail then crossed New York Route 301 and ascended a very rocky trail alongside Canopus Lake. After a couple more miles, we stood on a rock outcrop near the north end of that lake which almost seemed to overlook two different lakes.

Colorful retreating clouds sunset, Woodtick Recreation Area, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. November 25, 2019, 4:28 PM.

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Potato Chip Rock & Mt Woodson, San Diego CA
5 7.5 mile trail Medium difficulty

July 7, 1983: Views of the Shenandoah Valley opened as I reached the crest, following a line of westward-facing cliffs. As the ridgeline narrowed, a nice view of the Piedmont appeared from some eastward-facing outcrops. Beneath todays clear skies, the prospect was especially impressive

Dramatic clouds sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. July 9, 2021, 8:18 PM.

September 25, 1983: I became briefly lost while returning down the side trail from Moxie Bald to the AT.

Gold cotton candy clouds sunset. New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. September 8, 2020, 7:16 PM.

Pine Hill, Macedonia Brook State Park, Kent, Connecticut. March 14, 2024, 12:37 PM.

June 9, 1983: I eased the puppy off my pack and lifted it onto my shoulders. The Appalachian Trail crossed Virginia Highway 601, a narrow, rural road, and went through an open field for a short distance before disappearing into the trees. I said good-bye to my two new friends and turned away, crossing the road and the field without looking back.

Trailspotting and my New England rail trail map made the evening news on Boston radio today ..

August 8, 1983: The first climb was a bear, even compared to the rest of the trail in this park. By the time I reached the ridge crest I was exhausted, and I had only come little more than a mile. It was depressing. I had the idea in the back of my mind that one or two days of hiking would restore all the conditioning lost in those few days at home. This was somewhat overoptimistic.

Today was a great day for a walk.

Sunbeams and sparkling water. Whittemore Sanctuary, Woodbury, Connecticut, March 29, 2024, 4:44 PM.

'ler wohl eh nichts, und wenn, dann nicht zum Besseren fr uns in 100 Jahren noch nicht geben, so wie versucht wird, den Sport klein und unter dem Teppich zu kehren, statt diesem als Tourismus- und Wirtschaftsfaktor zu nutzen

Ob die Flitzpiepen sich das gut berlegt haben Wenn man demnchst nicht mehr legal durch den auf fahren darf, wie mancherorten geraunt wird, werd ich fter auf der Strae unterwegs sein mssen und den Verkehr mit meinem Rennrad behindern.


September 29, 1983: A relatively-level ridge walk led to Mountain View Pond. Across the small, crystal-clear lake, Boardman Mountains slopes were aflame with fall colors. The air was very tranquil for autumn, virtually a dead calm. A perfect reflection of Boardman was etched into the lake surface, and each stone of its rocky lakebed was clearly visible well out from the shore.

This shows the in .

I have a sister that lives in , she tells me the people in the actually treat bicycles like vehicles!

Early spring at Whittemore Sanctuary, Woodbury, Connecticut, March 29, 2024, 4:45PM. According to the official map, this pond is named "Pond". Just to the east is a smaller pond named "Pond."

Ik dacht dat ik er klaar voor was om mijn loopspulletjes naar zolder te brengen... tot ik huilend als een klein kind op mijn kont midden in de kamer zat.

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Morning hike with my son in the foothills of the Andes Mountains.

June 3, 1983: I slept the sleep of the dead last night, so exhausted I did not wake even for a moment until 6:30 in the morning.

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Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park
5 0.9 to 5.5 mile options Easy & Medium difficulty

June 3, 1983: The climb up Hump was a bear, but views from every inch of the trail lightened the load.

mich stren einzig und alleine die, die es nicht schaffen ihren Abfall aus dem Wald hinauszutragen. Besonders jetzt wo der Schnee weg ist, kommen manche Hinterlassenschaften zum Vorschein.

Mountainbiker schaden dem Wald nicht und stren auch Tiere nicht mehr als andere Waldnutzer. Insbesondere schaden Mountainbiker dem Wald viel weniger als die .

Streaks of pink and orange sunset. Whitestone Cliffs Trail, Plymouth, Connecticut. October 3, 2020, 6:31 PM.

June 2, 1983: The trail was rough. The mile from the shelter to the cliffs on Little Rock Knob was straight uphill.

Vacant until spring. Empty bird house on state forest field in late autumn. Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. October 21, 2020, 5:28 PM.

July 4, 1983: The first half-mile from the hut this morning climbed along the crest of the ridge forming the western rim of the ravine. This led to an interesting summit called Blackrock. It rose above the wooded ridge crest, a huge, barren mound of gray boulders smeared liberally with streaks of green paint.
